In what seemed like fodder for the rumour mills, actor Divya Khosla Kumar set the social media space abuzz with speculation when alterations were noticed on her Instagram profile. The Bollywood personality had discreetly omitted the surname of her husband, Bhushan Kumar, the chairperson of the powerhouse music label T-series, sending netizens into a frenzy of conjecture regarding their marital status. This intrigue was only heightened as Divya modified her maiden name by adding an extra ‘s’, further mystifying her followers.

Divya Khosla Kumar’s association with Bhushan Kumar dates back to their nuptials on the auspicious date of February 13, 2005, at the revered Maa Vaishno Devi shrine in Katra. Their union has been blessed with the birth of a son in October 2011.

The online community, ever-vigilant for signs of change among the celebrity landscape, also picked up on Divya’s decision to unfollow T-series’ official Instagram handle. Moreover, the couple’s noticeable absence from public events together added fuel to the escalating speculation of a rift in their marriage.

Yet, contrary to the anxious whispers and the drama unfurling across social platforms, the couple’s marriage remains intact. In a revealing statement, a representative from T-series addressed the swirling rumours head-on. As per a report by Zoom, the spokesperson stated, “Divya Kholsa’s decision to drop her married surname was a matter deeply rooted in her belief in astrology, a personal choice meriting respect.” The extra ‘s’ woven into her maiden name is also said to be tied to this same astrological conviction, unrelated to her relationship with her husband.

This clarification comes as a reminder of the prolific nature of gossip in the age of social media, where a simple name change can trigger widespread theorizing about the private lives of public figures.

Divya Khosla Kumar, a multifaceted talent, embarked on her cinematic journey in 2004 with a debut in the Telugu film industry through ‘Love Today’. Her burgeoning career swiftly expanded to the Bollywood front with the movie ‘Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Sathiyo’, where she featured alongside Akshay Kumar and Bobby Deol. Furthermore, she captured hearts with her appearance in the popular music video for ‘Aiyyo Rama’, which was crooned by Falguni Pathak.

After a brief intermission from acting, Divya decided to don the director’s hat, an endeavour that led to her learning the crafts of cinematography and editing. She skilfully helmed music videos and ad films before directing her first feature film called ‘Yaariyan’, released in 2014. Not content with just directing, Divya also choreographed several tracks for the movie, showcasing her affinity for the performing arts.

Her directorial prowess was showcased once again with ‘Sanam Re’, which graced cinemas in 2016. More recently, Divya’s acting prowess came to the forefront as she took on a leading role opposite John Abraham in the 2021 sequel, ‘Satyameva Jayate 2’. She also reprised her role in ‘Yaariyan 2’, a follow-up to her directorial debut that draws inspiration from the 2014 Malayalam film ‘Bangalore Days’.

In conclusion, this fascinating incident serves as a testament to Divya Khosla Kumar’s captivating presence within the Indian film industry, both in front and behind the camera. The media frenzy around her choice to alter her virtual identity underscores the delicate balance celebrities must maintain in their public and private lives, and the meticulous scrutiny they endure. Despite the whirlwind of speculation, the essence of Divya’s act remains grounded not in discord, but in the stars, as astrology guides her path in both name and spirit.

By IPL Agent

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