The city of Mumbai was graced by the presence of Priyanka Chopra Jonas, an acclaimed actress and a personification of elegance, who flew in from Los Angeles on Thursday evening with her daughter Malti Marie. Arriving in the bustling metropolis for the grand opening of the Bulgari store at Jio World Plaza, Priyanka Chopra’s role was not limited to just that of a celebrated Bollywood icon; she is also a global brand ambassador for the high-end jewellery brand Bulgari. The event saw her stepping in, ethereal as ever, in a chic white co-ord ensemble, ready to charm the anticipating Indian paparazzi.

As the store launch unfolded, Priyanka Chopra took a moment to engage in a candid dialogue with Vogue India, discussing her take on current fashion dynamics. When quizzed about the source of her fashion inspiration, the star did not hesitate to present her two-year-old daughter, Malti Marie, as her muse. “My fashion muse at the moment is my daughter. I love dressing her up. I literally wake up every morning with a fit for her. Like this will be her fit for the day and this will be her fit for the night. And I will be in my pajamas. I forgot to dress myself,” she shared with an infectiously hearty laughter.

The conversation with Vogue took an intriguing turn as Priyanka was questioned about fashion trends. With her characteristic poise, she expressed her desire to bid farewell to one particular style. “I hope low-rise anything is out. It’s tough on this girl,” she remarked, hinting at her own discomfort with the trend. Not just one for criticisms, she also advocated for the endurance of a specific trend. “I hope the one trend that is here to stay should be athleisure, casual with big diamonds,” she added, painting a picture of comfort juxtaposed with luxury.

The actress’ life off-screen boasts moments as momentous as her silver screen appearances, with Priyanka and Nick Jonas tying the knot in an extravagant dual ceremony at Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace in December 2018, followed by opulent receptions in Delhi and Mumbai. The couple’s journey took on a new joy when they welcomed Malti Marie via surrogacy in January 2022.

Their happiness was mingled with anxiety as Malti was reportedly born prematurely, leading to over 100 days in the NICU. Reflecting on this intense time, Priyanka opened up in an interview with Today magazine, detailing the vigilance it instilled in her as a mother. “[In the NICU], you know your child is alive because you can see their heartbeat (on the monitor). I couldn’t sleep for days because now suddenly she was home without a monitor. I used to put my ear on her chest. I would wake up every couple of minutes just to see if she was OK. For weeks, this went on,” she confided.

In the realm of her professional pursuits, Priyanka Chopra has recently taken on the significant role of executive producer for the Oscar-nominated documentary ‘To Kill a Tiger’. Helmed by Nisha Pahuja, the documentary delves into the unsettling reality of a poor farmer’s 13-year-old daughter being subjected to a savage sexual assault, set against the backdrop of Jharkhand, Priyanka Chopra’s birthplace. With the release of the documentary’s trailer, Priyanka Chopra encapsulated its essence in a few words, “Trailer. Truly remarkable.”

This event underlines the multifaceted nature of Priyanka Chopra Jonas’s life — as an international celebrity, a mother, and a voice in the realm of social change. Her visit to Mumbai goes far beyond a store launch; it is a testament to her ongoing influence across fashion, family, and activism.

By IPL Agent

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