The entertainment world has recently experienced a significant loss with the death of Akira Toriyama, the visionary mind behind the iconic Japanese manga series Dragon Ball. The beloved creator’s passing on March 8th shocked fans across the globe, leaving many, including the younger generation of admirers, mourning. Among those is Yug Devgan, the young son of Indian film star Ajay Devgn, who is described as being ‘heartbroken’ by the sudden demise of the manga legend.

The multi-talented actor, Ajay Devgn, took to social media to express his grief and pay homage to the late Akira Toriyama. He shared a heartfelt message on Twitter that resonated with the sentiments of countless Dragon Ball enthusiasts. Ajay articulated the profound sorrow felt by his son and the wishful thinking that, if possible, they would collect all the mystical Dragon Balls just to bring Toriyama back to life. “Watching Yug heartbroken makes me feel like if we held all the Dragon Balls, bringing back Akira Toriyama would be our heartfelt wish. He remains a Super Saiyan of inspiration whose legacy influence generations. Rest in POWER, Akira Toriyama,” the actor tweeted, referencing the series’ narrative where collecting all seven Dragon Balls could grant any wish.

The sorrowful news comes at a pivotal time for Ajay Devgn, with the recent release of his film ‘Shaitaan’, a horror feature that stars R Madhavan and Jyotika alongside him. The movie made its theatrical debut coinciding with the date of Toriyama’s passing. ‘Shaitaan’ spins a chilling tale of a family whose idyllic weekend getaway spirals into a horrifying ordeal following the introduction of a mysterious stranger, portrayed by Madhavan. It delves into the dark recesses of Indian Black Magic, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.

‘Shaitaan’ has opened to a robust start at the box office, with industry tracker Sacnilk reporting an impressive first-day collection of Rs 14.50 crore. This figure is expected to burgeon further as the weekend progresses. Supported by the combined forces of Jio Studios, Devgn Films, and Panorama Studios, ‘Shaitaan’ is produced by a strong team comprising Ajay Devgn himself along with Jyoti Deshpande, Kumar Mangat Pathak, and Abhishek Pathak.

The heralded director Vikas Bahl helms ‘Shaitaan’ and shares candid insights into his experience creating the spine-tingling project. “I don’t really watch supernatural thrillers or horror movies, so my knowledge of that genre as a viewer is very little. But when I heard the story of Shaitaan, I totally loved it, and I felt that this story really had to be told,” he admitted. Bahl further commented on the personal challenge he underwent in directing the film, “So, I thought, let me take up this challenge and see where it goes. And I must say, it’s been a great experience working on Shaitaan and creating it.”

The Hindi-speaking audience might recognize ‘Shaitaan’ as a remake of the critically hailed Gujarati movie ‘Vash’. On the eve of its release, industry insiders were treated to a special screening in Mumbai, which saw attendance from Ajay Devgn and his son Yug. This father-son duo’s presence significantly highlighted the screening event.

As the world of manga and anime says goodbye to one of its most seminal figures, Ajay Devgn’s public tribute encapsulated the personal and global impact of Akira Toriyama’s work. Toriyama’s creativity has indelibly enriched the tapestry of modern storytelling and has left an indelible mark on youth culture around the world. Judging by the sentiments expressed, the influence of Dragon Ball and its creator will persist for many years to come, continuing to inspire future generations to dream bigger and leap higher, much like the series’ protagonist, Goku. Meanwhile, Ajay Devgn continues to pursue creative endeavors, connecting with audiences through gripping narratives, the latest of which is the supernatural thriller ‘Shaitaan’, promising to haunt the imagination of viewers.

By IPL Agent

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