In the heart of Hyderabad, an unprecedented art fair is set to unfold within the walls of Hotel The Park on the 16th and 17th of March. Approximately 38 hotel rooms will transcend their conventional purpose, metamorphosing into boutique art galleries presenting an array of meticulously selected works. This event celebrates the second chapter of Artix, an innovative hotel art fair concept that debuted to much acclaim in New Delhi in the previous year.

The quartet behind this imaginative enterprise comprises Payal Kapoor, Malvika Poddar, Timsy Anand, and Sethu Vaidyanathan. Artix is born out of a collective ambition to introduce the richness of hotel art fairs, akin to those that have garnered international repute, to the discerning art aficionados of India.

The choice of Hyderabad as the destination for Artix’s sophomore edition is no coincidence. Malvika highlights that while art fairs are a common sight in metropolises like Mumbai and Delhi, the intention is to bring Artix to cities still unacquainted with the concept. Payal echoes with optimism, indicating Hyderabad’s robust cultural fabric and economic strength, coupled with its dynamic gallery scene, as ideal for engendering a dialogue with art connoisseurs and diversifying the artistic landscape of the city.

This year’s Artix promises a feast for the senses, showcasing over 350 artworks from a roster of 75 illustrious participants including individual artists, galleries, and private collectors. The array of art on display spans multiple mediums and forms such as sculptures, paintings, installations, textiles, and jewellery.

The inception of Artix traces back to Payal Kapoor’s own experiences at international art fairs, which left a profound impact on her through her extensive art career spanning a quarter of a century as the owner of Arushi Arts in New Delhi. Payal shares, “Having attended over 150 art fairs, I was inspired to create an intimate and personal art viewing experience, similar to those in cities like Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Hong Kong, and London, where the grandeur of hotel rooms provides a unique backdrop for art contemplation.”

The Park Hotel in Hyderabad will host private collections from local art collector Anju Poddar featuring works by Laxma Goud which are not for sale, part of the solo collector project. Sheetal Bangur from Hyderabad and Priya Paul from Mumbai, the chairperson of The Park Hotels, will also display select pieces from their private collections. “This is a chance for art enthusiasts to access private collections seldom open to the public,” Malvika underscores.

Attendees can look forward to viewing pieces by Satish Gujral in a dedicated room as part of a homage to the late artist, and a collection of Prabhakar Kolte’s artworks in another. Payal reveals more, “Galleries will exhibit works by S H Raza, F N Souza, V S Gaitonde, and others. A sculpture walk, textiles from the Chola Mandal and Coromandel groups, and photography by Raihan Rajiv Vadra are integral elements of the curation.”

Payal focuses on the scrupulous curation of Artix to ensure audiences in Hyderabad experience a globally informed portfolio featuring local Telugu artists, pan-Indian talent, and select international artists like Lindsey Noble, Chris Trueman, Bryan Ricci, and Joshua Ashter from the United States.

Looking to the future, Artix has its sights on expanding to cosmopolitan cities such as Bengaluru, Mumbai, Kolkata, and beyond.

Artix 2024 invites everyone from casual onlookers to serious art aficionados to indulge in this unique extravaganza at Hotel The Park, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, commencing at noon and concluding at 9 pm, proving that art can indeed flourish beyond the white walls of conventional galleries.

By IPL Agent

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