The creative landscape of Indian cinema beams with pride as the domestically produced feature film “Alpha Beta Gamma” makes its much-anticipated entry into theatres nationwide on the 8th of March, 2024. The film comes after generating remarkable buzz on the international film festival circuit, including an impactful showcase at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival.

“Alpha Beta Gamma” unfolds the gripping narrative of a man forced to spend 14 days locked down in an apartment with his estranged wife and her current boyfriend during the initial sweep of the COVID-19 lockdown. A tale woven with commonly shared human experiences, this story unveils a compact drama teeming with the complexities of love, longing, and jealousy.

The brainchild of FTII, Pune alumni, Srikumar Shankar, who serves as the film’s writer and director, “Alpha Beta Gamma” premiered at the 52nd India International Film Festival in Goa back in November 2022. There, it earned its place in the Panorama Section, garnering the adoration of audiences for its bittersweet and captivating portrayal of relationships. The traction it gained at home mirrored that on the global stage, catching the eyes of the crowd at the Amerta Istanbul, The Berlinale, and ultimately at the esteemed Cannes Film Festival.

Srikumar Shankar, reflecting on his journey, noted, “Our team shares a bond of friendship, which has fueled our collaborative spirit to present our unique take on the timeless concepts of love and jealousy. To see the film received with such affection by audiences globally is both flattering and humbling.”

The Ministry of I&B of India took notice of the film’s potential early on, nominating “Alpha Beta Gamma” to represent the nation in the European Film Market at the Berlin Film Festival in 2022. The movie’s participation was further solidified by its selection at the 75th Cannes Film Festival, standing out as the sole Hindi film among six Indian entries officially showcased under the Government of India’s endorsement.

Adding to its list of accolades, “Alpha Beta Gamma” resonated powerfully at the TASVEER Film Festival in Washington DC—North America’s preeminent showcase for South Asian storytelling. The display of universality continued as the film’s lead actress, Reena Aggarwal, earned the title of Best Actor at the Reactor Film Festival in Austria in 2023, triumphing amongst forty globally selected films.

Producers Mona Shankar & Menka Sharma, also FTII alumni, expressed their collective pride and optimism for the film. “Our FTII roots pushed us to pour our passion into this film. It’s our hope that our national audience will shower it with blessings, as international viewers have. The film’s performance overseas has instilled us with immense confidence.”

The movie’s plot explores the evolution of a school crush into marriage, followed by the eventual emotional drift leading to an impending divorce. The complexity intensifies when Chiranjeev, the male lead, encounters his estranged wife’s new partner in their former shared apartment, only to become an involuntary guest due to the sudden lockdown mandate. What transpires is an undeniably human escapade of heightened emotions and comedic mishaps, showcasing maturity and childishness in equal measure.

Starring Reena Aggarwal, Nishan Naniah, and Amit Kumar Vasisht, “Alpha Beta Gamma” delivers more than just a slice of life—it offers a full course of reflective comedy and drama. Its production, backed by Chotee Film Productions & Knownsense Entertainment and presented by 70mm Talkies, along with the creative efforts of Samant Chauhan and Agastya Jain, signals the emergence of a newfound narrative richness within the Indian film industry—a rich tapestry mirroring the vibrant chaos of life itself.

As “Alpha Beta Gamma” opens in movie theatres throughout India, audiences are presented with an opportunity not just to watch a film, but to partake in a panoramic experience, remarkably human and strikingly vivid—one moment at a time.

By IPL Agent

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