Bollywood icon Akshay Kumar, celebrated both for his box office hits and his regimented lifestyle, recently opened up about the importance of carving out personal time in one’s daily routine during an engaging conversation with the media at the Amar Ujala Samvad event. The actor emphasized the benefit of starting the day in solitude, revealing his own practice of waking up at the brisk hour of 4 AM to secure that precious ‘free time’.

Known for his punctuality and health-conscious habits, Akshay Kumar shared that his typical day begins between 4-4:30 AM, following an early bedtime ritual around 9-9:30 PM. Kumar spoke candidly about the tranquility of the early hours, stating, “That is the only free time I get with myself because that time my wife and children are sleeping and there is no stress!”

He advocated the idea that each individual should try to allocate 2-3 hours of personal time, underlining that it’s not mandatory to use this time for exercise or any specific activity. “You can just sit down, think, just gaze,” Kumar advised, highlighting that these moments provide a calm respite from the daily demands of life.

When queried about his digital habits during these early hours, the star was firm in his digital detox approach. “Phone to bilkul nahi, Instagram nahi (No phone, No Instagram),” he declared. After enjoying the stillness of the dawn, Kumar engages in a workout lasting about an hour to an hour and a half. As the rest of his household wakes, he completes his morning routine with breakfast and heads off to his work commitments, only to return later in the evening.

In addition to his lifestyle revelations, the conversation included an update on Akshay Kumar’s upcoming venture ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’. The movie, also starring Tiger Shroff, is one of the most anticipated action films on the Bollywood calendar. Fans were recently treated to a spectacle of a promotional event in Lucknow, where the talented actors wowed the audience with live stunts and a dynamic entry that truly captured the essence of the excitement surrounding the film.

A frenzy ensued as crowds gathered to witness the breathtaking aerial stunts by the duo, reminiscent of blockbuster adrenaline-pumped sequences. Against the backdrop of the film’s title track, this promotional display was a treat for fans and a tantalizing teaser of the high-octane action promised in the movie.

Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ is set to burst onto the big screen during the auspicious occasion of Eid in 2024. With filming sprawling over international landscapes including Mumbai, London, Abu Dhabi, Scotland, and Jordan, this pan-India spectacle promises grandiosity on par with Hollywood productions.

The cast assembles a lineup that includes Prithviraj Sukumaran in a villainous avatar, with Sonakshi Sinha, Manushi Chhillar, and Alaya F also joining in pivotal roles. Following the release of the film’s official teaser, which received an enthusiastic reception from eager fans, the movie is poised for a colossal box office showdown, going head-to-head with Ajay Devgn’s period sports drama ‘Maidaan’.

Through his daily discipline and dedication to both his craft and personal wellbeing, Akshay Kumar continues to inspire and excite fans, proving that a balance between work and introspective peace can indeed coexist amidst the whirlwind that is stardom. With ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ on the horizon, his admirers are not only looking forward to his next big-screen adventure but are also keen to emulate the zen-like morning routine of their favorite celebrity.

By IPL Agent

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