Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and Indian cricket star Virat Kohli recently announced the arrival of their baby boy, Akaay, born on the 15th of February. This joyous news comes just a day after the couple shared the birth of their second child with their fans and followers. Following the announcement, a spike in fake social media profiles claiming to be ‘Akaay’ has caused a stir among netizens, as they express disillusionment over these counterfeit accounts.

Despite some profiles being fan pages, a handful have gone as far as asserting themselves as Akaay’s official accounts. One particular profile, using the handle akaaykohli18, tweeted an acknowledgment to ‘Dad Virat Kohli & Mom Anushka Sharma for giving me birth,’ which has since escalated the confusion and disappointment among fans.

The celebrated couple took to Instagram to reveal the news, with Anushka posting a heartfelt message: “With abundant happiness and our hearts full of love, we are pleased to inform everyone that on 15th February, we welcomed our baby boy Akaay and Vamika’s little brother into this world! We seek your blessings and good wishes in this beautiful time in our lives. We request you to kindly respect our privacy at this time. Love & Gratitude. Virat & Anushka.”

As the couple basks in the glow of their expanding family, the significance of Akaay’s name has piqued interest. Not only does it have Turkish connections, but in Sanskrit, ‘Akaay’ suggests an ethereal quality, meaning something that does not have a form or body. The word ‘kaaya’ from which it is derived means body, suggesting a transcendent existence beyond the physical.

Within moments of the birth announcement, fans and celebrities alike showered Anushka and Virat with congratulatory messages and well wishes. From heartfelt blessings to comments celebrating the ‘now perfect family’, the outpouring of love was immense. Notable figures like Shweta Bachchan also offered congratulations, joining a chorus of good tidings for the young Akaay.

Anticipation for the arrival of Virat and Anushka’s second child had been building up prior to the announcement. Virat’s good friend, international cricketer AB De Villiers, had acknowledged the pregnancy in January, highlighting family significance to Virat. “Yes, his second child is on the way,” De Villiers had said, emphasizing the importance of being true to oneself and how family often takes precedence over other aspects of life. He supported Virat’s decisions, noting that while his presence is missed, his prioritization of family is both understandable and commendable.

The sheer volume of enthusiasm and interest around the newborn has showcased the deep affection that fans hold for Virat and Anushka. However, the creation of fake profiles has marred what should be an undisturbed celebration of new life. The rapid propagation of these profiles and the audacity of some pretending to be the official account of an infant further underscores the dark sides of social media’s impact on personal lives, especially those of public figures.

As Virat and Anushka navigate this new chapter with their children, Akaay and elder sister Vamika, the desire for privacy and authentic connections remains paramount. From the echoing cheers of cricket stadiums to the silver screens of Bollywood, the power couple’s journey continues to capture the collective imagination, reminding us that at the heart of fame and spotlights lies the universal pursuit of happiness and family.

By IPL Agent

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